
Humanity, take a good look at yourself. Inside, you’ve got heaven and earth, and all of creation. You’re a world—everything is hidden in you. —Hildegard of Bingen

An appointment for a consultation can be scheduled with me in person, or by phone for individuals at a distance or locals who find it more convenient. Consultations are 60, 75 or 90 minutes. The timing and number of consultations are unique to each person and their circumstance.

Everything is composed of energy. The subtle layers of our being inform the more dense layers of our physical being. The intuitive consultations support at the interface of the subtle layers of ones being and the denser layers of physicality to help restore and maintain vitality, health and balance throughout the life journey.

Clients seek out the work because it works with the whole being. We address the issue that you bring to the session and explore it from a sacred standpoint.  In a session, wise council guides us, and working in the intuitive field using the energy of intention, we facilitate healing and balance throughout the individuals personal energetic system. This work is facilitated to be digestible to the intelligence of the body, so supporting the emotional and cellular integration of awareness to the unified field or the sacred web. Thus restoring wholeness for the individual.

The human body is a field of consciousness.

Our bodies are an ancient brilliant consciousness living in the present. It is the intention of this work to support a client’s healing and awakening to the subtle world and sacred Earth consciousness and to do so in an embodied and balanced way. It is essential to bring one’s healing all the way to the physical level of the body and into the emotional body to bring it to Earth. As creatures of earth we are capable and responsible for healing fully in this manner. This is becoming whole, restoring the sacred.

There are many reasons an individual may seek out the work:

  • Support healing the emotional body
  • Support healing acute or chronic physical ailments being expressed, healing the subtle consciousness that is informing the pattern
  • Life challenges and relationship challenges helping to clear obstacles and find the wisdom being presented within the challenge
  • Healing cultural wounds . . . moving beyond illusion
  • A desire and intention to grow intimacy with the deep Self
  • Awakening one’s human potential: Support in clarifying one’s path and purpose, the path of joy
  • Guidance while one is waking up to the healing presence of Sacred Earth and Nature
  • To grow ones direct and embodied relationship with the Sacred as it is unique to them
  • To enliven the intention to live more fully present and in body.

When receiving a consultation, it is recommended you find a private space in your home. You may want to have a cup of tea or water…it is time for you to simply relax and receive. People often like to have a notebook or journal to take notes. You may notice you feel more relaxed during a healing and may sense subtle energetic movement. For a few days following a session… you will find it helpful to give yourself more rest and good hydration, as they are essential parts of the integration process.